At the end of the day it's all about you. As selfish as that sounds it's true. I'm always had this idea that one day my life will be a story passed down and around by posterity, team mates, class mates, teachers, friends, you get the idea. This always defined the way I lived my life until I was overwhelmed by the pressure of pleasing.
Because, at the end of the day you can't please everyone. You need to choose who you want to share your life with.
It doesn't matter because you aren't going to be stuck with those people forever most likely. Most people in High School you will never see again.
What really matters at the end of the day is how you feel about yourself. Because you are stuck with yourself forever. You have to make the choices you need in order to be able to live with yourself and your God. (if you believe in one)
So go ahead and make your own story, but do yourself a favor, and make it good.
Thanks for your post. I think a lot of us define ourselves by what other people see us as. Including myself. It's time we know who we are for ourselves!!